Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ducks, Geese and Terrorism

 If it looks like a duck, moves and swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck and, I add, certainly not a goose!

By the same token, if any group, by whatever name it chooses to label itself, behaves like a terrorist group (TG) and acts like a TG, then it must be a TG and not an organization!

We, and any media resources, instead of referring to any TG as the "so and so group" should refer to it as the TG that calls itself the "so and so group"!

In my opinion, if we refer to any group by the "so and so group" name that it has labeled itself, then we are endorsing its legitimacy!!

The world is in a dire need of a true and unified eradication of terrorists by all the names that any have chosen to brand themselves.

Eradication of these groups is a tall order and can only be achieved if and only if the eradicators pluck courage and accept that there is a cost of achieving their goal. Slogans and condemnation are simply postures and are not effective in achieving the world peace that the vast majority of people would like to enjoy.

Religion has been used as a crutch over the centuries and has ultimately led to many reforms to eliminate many misconceptions and misinterpretation of the supreme words and/or teachings.

Reforms must continue to evolve otherwise the world will go to hell in a hand basket and our goose will be cooked!!!

Hani Badawi
July 6, 2016

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