Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hope, expectation and the road in between

In a simplistic way, in what I’m about to unroll here, I hope to be able to explain myself and expect you to make up your mind as to whether I make sense or not!

Our road between hope and expectation is more likely to be rugged, unpaved and difficult to travel and certainly more so than when we initially set out on any hope-driven journey. Needless to say, most journeys commence with a hope and with the aim that our expectation is our ultimate destination.

Before attempting to expound on the topic of this note, allow me to invoke a few important requirements that will ultimately lead to a successful journey between the two milestones; hope and expectation.

On any physical journey, by whatever vehicle we choose to travel, we need fuel, knowledge (maps or GPS nowadays) and, depending on the length of the trip, refueling, rest-houses (for sleep, food, coffee etc.) and vehicle maintenance. Absence of any of these components will evidently take a toll on how, successful, arduous or long the trip will be.

With that in mind, let’s consider any trip that starts with hope and ends in a destination that matches (or closely matches) our expectation.

In the same way as a physical journey, a hope-expectation journey must be supported by many elements or tools: knowledge (education, experience), determination, dreams, support by loved ones, recreation, etc. They’re all needed, otherwise the trip will end up being one with an illusion as a starting point and a disappointment as the arrival point (and obviously not a destination!!).

In traversing a hope-expectation journey, there will be many challenges and obstacles on the way, many of which will be impossible to predict. Finally it is the support tools and their mobilization that will ultimately lead to the desired conclusion!

Yes, many would be right in saying that it’s easier said than done. My retort is that with enough preparation and determination for what is “said”, the easier it will be “done!!!”

Hani Badawi
November 19, 2017

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