Friday, January 20, 2012

Prayer of the day

Prayer of the day from China:
I pray that the atrocities and bloodshed in Afghanistan will cease soon.
I pray that the Durban Climate Change conference will effect some positive resolutions for a cleaner planet (I say that from the heavily polluted city of Beijing!).
I pray that the turmoil and 9 months of strife and bloodshed in Syria will be halted to allow the citizens of that country to live an honorable life worthy of their long history.
I pray that the global economic meltdown will be reversed soon to avert the otherwise more dire consequences.
I pray that the politicians of the world will learn soon that political science (which is not truly an exact science) needs to be reformed.
I pray that uniforms worn to differentiate people's belief are not over-emphasized and that religious leanings are not driven by a herd mentality.
I pray that nations will make a better effort to work closer together to eliminate famine, illiteracy and crime.
I pray that the next generations wherever they may reside in this world will enjoy a better life.
Hani Badawi,
December 6, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Sadly, these prayers will likely remain relevant for quite some time... I hope they are answered soon.
