Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Book Is My Loyal Companion

Whether you read books in the old way of thumbing through the pages or electronically on your preferred e-reader gadget, I’m sure you’ll agree that a book is a good companion. Needless to say, you can choose to start, finish or terminate reading a book without it putting up any resistance to your actions!

Not only does a book keep you entertained and provide you with knowledge but it also provides you with food for thought for new ideas and for discussions with friends hence widening your scope of awareness and friends alike.

During our formative years we learn much about life via fairy tale books that, more often than not, contain subliminal messages about what to expect in our lives and that, whereas evil exists, good prevails in the end!

Later on in life we learn that fiction sometimes beats reality and thanks to books again for affording us the chance to put things in perspective and find out how to utilize the power of imagination to propel us into new frontiers of knowledge and relationships.

History, biography and historic fiction books are now my favorite reads. They allow me to see different aspects of life and live in different worlds, so to speak!

A book can keep you entertained, enhance your imagination, provide you with facts, give you hope, warn you about dangers in life, guide you as to how to behave under different circumstances and may also send you to sleep!

What a great companion!

Hani Badawi
October 19, 2017

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