Saturday, January 28, 2017

Politicians/Actors and the Art of Deception

If you agree that most politicians are crooked, and if you agree that politics is not only exercised within and between governments, then what you're witnessing now in the USA is a play where the directors, producers, actors, lighting, prompting and stage managers are openly playing their roles without due consideration of either the script (the constitution) or the audience's (citizens of the USA and the world at large) knowledge and/or expectations.

In essence I think what we are watching is the unfolding of a Greek or Roman tragedy of biblical proportions and remember, we are only witnessing Act 1, Scene 1.

Of all the playwrights no one portrayed the ultimate fate and demise of a tragic hero better than Shakespeare. In all his plots, ambition and greed underlined the causes that led to the heroes downfall.

Let's also not forget the importance of the supernatural events and fortune tellers in Shakespeare's plays (e.g. The Soothsayer in Julius Caesar and The Three Witches in Macbeth) whose indications and forecasts were eerily realized!

In the above, my hope is that what I described is just a narration of a nightmare and that when I wake up things will be fine!

Hani Badawi
January 24, 2017

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