Thursday, October 30, 2014

If and when

I often think about how a “hope” can be turned into an “achievement” and wonder: what is the necessary catalyst for bringing about that transition?

Over the ages, many ideas have led to great achievements, and it is safe to say that these achievements were fueled by hard work and determination on part of the achievers.

As in a chemical reaction, where a catalyst helps in completing the reaction, one can invoke a similar concept in the human world.

In his famous poem titled “If”, Ruddyard Kippling elegantly weaved the elements needed for harnessing the faculties for “greatness” relying on, as the title implies, the “if” as a catalyst.

As an admirer of art and science, and as a believer in the power of transformation in each, I believe that the word “when” is a better catalyst than “if”.

Think of the impact of Kippling's poem when (and I purposely avoided using if!) you replace the “if” by “when”!

Hani Badawi
October 31, 2014

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